Matt is the youngest male ever to be a regular performer at the World Famous Laugh Factory in Hollywood. Through what Cannon recalls as "a lot of trial and failure" he recorded his first song at home on his boom box. Blige, Will Smith, R. His mantra was "deep breathing is death!"At one of our meetings, after hearing him repeat again and again how dangerous "deep breathing" was, I asked him to show me what exactly he meant by a deep breath. He then proceeded to take one of the biggest breaths I've ever seen as if he had been practicing deep breathing his whole life! His lung capacity, even at an age approaching 70 was remarkable.On my first visit, he told me his life story, about his days as a medical student, and how he began to develop his ideas, sitting with people and observing their breathing as they died.His method can be considered diametrically opposed to rebirthing specifically, and many forms of yoga breathing as well. However, the results he ...